4 Essential Hair Care in Summer
Everyone knows that summer combines with the beach, the pool and getting a lot of tan. But do you know what best suits the summer? Healthy, well-maintained and hydrated hair!
During this time of year, the tendency is not to remember hair care and then suffer from the dryness and the brittle aspect of the hair.
For that not to happen anymore, all you have to do is follow these steps and guarantee your hair treatment in the summer!
1-Care before and after
Before diving into the sea and pool, it is important that you apply hydration or nutrition creams to the strands, along with a little water, to keep your hair moist and already hydrated.
When leaving, wash the hair and apply a deep moisturizing cream again and let it act for a few minutes.
2-Wash the wires with warm or cold water
When washing your hair, stay away from very hot temperatures, to prevent your strands from getting damaged and too oily!
3- Moisturize whenever you can
It is recommended to hydrate your hair at least once a week, to replace all the moisture and shine lost during exposure to the sun.
4-Reduce the use of dryer and flat iron
While at the beach or pool, do your best to stay away from the hairdryer and flat iron. Prefer to let the wires dry naturally, without the need to use heat sources.
Also do alternative hairstyles, such as looser braids and not too tight.